Living in the End Times

Needs radical thinking

January 16th, 2011


Via VPROinternational: "Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Žižek aka The Elvis of cultural theory, is given the floor to show of his polemic style and whirlwind-like performance. The Giant of Ljubljana is bombarded with clips of popular media images and quotes by modern-day thinkers revolving around four major issues: the economical crisis, environment, Afghanistan and the end of democracy. Žižek grabs the opportunity to ruthlessly criticize modern capitalism and to give his view on our common future.

We communists are back! is the closing remark of Slavoj Žižek's provocative performance. Our current capitalist system, that everyone believed would be smoothly spread around the globe, is untenable. We find ourselves on the brink of big problems that call for big solutions. Whatever is left of the left, has been hedged in by western liberal democracy and seems to lack the energy to come up with radical solutions. Not Žižek."


Also, you might want to consider Slavoj Žižek's talk at LSE (London School of Economics) about his latest book, Living in the End Times.

Plus, his lecture What does it mean to be a revolutionary today? at Marxism 2009.


"There is great disorder under heaven, the situation is excellent." –Mao Zedong

[ Catalysts ]

The unacceptably talented Cyriak Harris

Walks of Life

December 18th, 2010


From Wikipedia: "Cyriak Harris is a British freelance animator better known by his first name Cyriak, and his B3ta username Mutated Monty. He is known for his surreal short web animations.

A regular contributor to the British website B3ta since 2004, Cyriak displays a surreal and often disturbing animation style with a distinct British theme. Many of his animations are based on Z-List celebrities, television shows and his hometown of Brighton. (...)

Cyriak's YouTube account features a compilation of his animations, which have been popular throughout the blogosphere and noted by Wired's Eliot Van Buskirk, and he was featured on the front page with his animation Moo.

As a freelance animator he has been commissioned by Coke for a Coke Zero advert, the video sharing website, and a music video for Grand Popo Football Club, among others. Some of his work is set to his own electronic music compositions of which he creates in Image-line's FL Studio."

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Erinnern heisst: Vergessen!

RIP Christoph Schlingesief (1960-2010)

August 21st, 2010


This post has to be in German. If you do not know the exceptional estate of Christoph Schlingensief familiarize yourself! Now! No excuses accepted.


UPDATE, August 25th: The New York Times obituary.


Heute morgen habe ich den Text Radikale Demokratie von Reinhard Heil und Andreas Hetzel gelesen. Und heute nachmittag erreicht uns die Nachricht des Todes von Christoph Schlingensief. Etwas viel für einen sonnigen Samstag. Jetzt werde ich tun, was Schlingensief nicht mehr wollte, Rotwein trinken. Ich werde auf seinen Mut anstossen und hoffen, dass sich sehr bald eine adäquate Nachfolgerin zeigt.

Verdammt, was für ein riesiges Loch.


Geschockte Patienten.


Aus Hotel Ruhe: "Mut zum Gegenwind, Mut zum Verkannt-werden, Mut zum Alleiniger-Rufer-in-der-Wüste-Sein. Christoph Schlingensief hat dem deutschen Film und der Filmförderung den Zerrspiegel vorgehalten, und er hat das Theater und die Oper revolutioniert. Die Geschwindigkeit seiner Gedanken ist legendär, um seinen Assoziationsprüngen folgen zu können, bedurfte es Intuition."


Der letzte Eintrag aus seinem Blog: "07-08-2010- DIE BILDER VERSCHWINDEN AUTOMATISCH UND ÜBERMALEN SICH SO ODER SO ! - 'ERINNERN HEISST : VERGESSEN !' (Da können wir ruhig unbedingt auch mal schlafen!) Wie lange war es still... lange stiill. stoße jetzt nach ca. 3 wochen auf das letzte video hier. habe ich gleich gelöscht. wen soll das das interessieren? vielleicht sind solche vidoeblogs oder einträgen nur dann von intererrägen, wenn die angst zu gross wird. die angst, weil diese kleine illussion von --- aber nun nach den knapp 4 wochen scheint es anderes zu sein. die bilder (ixen) sich aus... da ist ja kein sentimentaler schmerz. die bausupsanz ist erstaunlich gut... und nun? wieder ein neues bild? wieder infos zu neuen dingen, die ,...... ja eigentlich was ?..... alles sehr oberflächlich und rechtschreibefehler häufen sich die dinge .... das baut läufz seit tmc auf. der appetetit läßt rasant nach. - ARD- TATORTREKA7 ...(warum werde ich icht nicht denn nicht wenigstes einer meiner halbwegs siution normalererenen situatuin aufgeklärt. so macht es mich nur traurig, piasch und"


Aus Radikale Demokratie: "Im radikaldemokratischen Diskurs, dem etwa die Schriften von Claude Lefort, Ernesto Laclau, Chantal Mouffe, Etienne Balibar, Jacques Rancière und Jacques Derrida zugerechnet werden können, wird Demokratisierung als unend­liche Aufgabe begriffen. Im Mittelpunkt der Ausführungen dieser Autorinnen und Autoren steht mit unterschiedlichen Akzentu­ierungen und Konsequenzen der Gedanke, dass Demokratien agonal verfasst sind. Demokratische Ausein­ander­setzungen über die an­gemessene Einrichtung des Gemein­wesens lassen sich aus dieser Perspektive nicht in transzendentalen Rechts- oder Vernunftprinzipien verankern. Daraus ergibt sich die Forderung, dass die Mitte der Macht leer bleiben muss (Lefort), dass Demokratie im Kommen bleibt (Derrida), dass sie sich also niemals eine endgültige, durch einen Rekurs auf universelle Prinzipien ver­bindlich abgesicherte Gestalt geben kann und sollte. Es ist aus dieser Perspektive gerade eine Leerstelle im Zentrum der Gesell­schaft, die diese zusammenhält. Die demokratische Auseinandersetzung – auch über die Möglichkeits­be­dingun­gen der Demokratie – kann und sollte nie zu einem Ende kommen. Als wesentli­ches Anliegen des Diskurses der radikalen Demokratie könnte man eine Verteidigung des Po­li­tischen, verstanden als Kraft der kollek­tiven Selbstinstituierung einer Gesellschaft, gegenüber der Politik, verstanden als Verwaltung des Gemeinwesens innerhalb etablierter Parameter, begreifen, die sich praktisch etwa in einer Forderung nach der Demokratisierung von Bürokratien, Wirtschaft, Bildung und Wissenschaft ausdrückt."

[ Catalysts ]

The music of the writings

Bill Bernbach (1911-1982)

August 20st, 2010


From The Enduring Legacy Of Bill Bernbach: "Most readers come away from their reading not with a clear, precise, detailed registration of its contents on their minds, but, rather, with a vague, misty idea which is formed as much by the pace, the proportions, the music of the writings, as by the literal words themselves."

[ Catalysts ]

gone gone gone to the other shore

Visual Poetry by D.A. Levy

August 19th, 2010


Learned at least two things today. About D.A. Levy and – with no direct connection – about the meaning of 420. Am very grateful for the elucidation.


Thanks to Helen Schneider!

[ Catalysts ]


Waltzing with Mantovani

August 11th, 2010


From Wikipedia: "The version of Charmaine by the Mantovani Orchestra is used quite often in comedy to provide comedic effect whenever a romantic situation is created."

[ Catalysts ]

The So Called Waves and Other Phenomena of the Mind

by Pawel Althamer and Artur Żmijewski

August 10th, 2010


Saw this piece on the weekend at Maastricht's Bonnefantenmuseum and was glued to the screen by its humour, courage and emotional impact.

From "Resembling Althamer's student-era work is also the film series, recorded with Artur Żmijewski, called The So Called Waves and Other Phenomena of the Mind (2003-2004). The films document Althamer exploring various ways of non-rational cognition, which he deems to be means of broadening human perception, using consciousness-altering substances (LSD, peyote, hashish, the truth serum) or hypnosis. (...)

One of the films of the So Called Waves... series is Weronika (2004), showing the artist 'discover the world anew' during a walk with his daughter. In many of his works and actions, Althamer tries to persuade the viewers to perceive the world around them more creatively."

[ Catalysts ]


Paintings by Chris Wool

August 6th, 2010


From the New York Times: "Here is a fine time capsule. In the 1980's, Christopher Wool was doing a Neo-Pop sort of painting using commercial rollers to apply decorative patterns to white panels. One day he saw a new white truck violated by the spray-painted words sex and luv. Mr. Wool made his own painting using those words and went on to make paintings with big, black stenciled letters saying things like Run Dog Run or Sell the House, Sell the Car, Sell the Kids. The paintings captured the scary, euphoric mood of a high-flying period not unlike our own.


In 1989 Mr. Wool created a series of word paintings on paper for a tome called Black Book. The 22 pieces are exhibited for the first time here, in an elegant wrap-around installation. Each page bears a nine-letter word broken up into a stack of three-letter groups. Blocky nine-inch letters spell the names of disturbing character types: terrorist, anarchist, mercenary, paranoiac, and so on.


The percussive typography joins the verbal content to aggressive and somehow morally imperative effect. With minimal means, Mr. Wool conjured a world of political anxiety that the novelist Robert Stone might have envisioned."

[ Catalysts ]


by Chrissie Abbott

August 3rd, 2010


Found via the wonderful My Love for You Is A Stampede Of Horses.

[ Catalysts ]

Stanley Kubrick's Boxes

You can not afford to miss this!

July 19th, 2010


Stanley Kubrick's Boxes was made for Channel 4 in the UK by Guardian journalist Jon Ronson. His 2004 article, Citizen Kubrick, is the basis for the documentary.

From the Guardian: "Stanley Kubrick's films were landmark events - majestic, memorable and richly researched. But, as the years went by, the time between films grew longer and longer, and less and less was seen of the director. What on earth was he doing? Two years after his death, Jon Ronson was invited to the Kubrick estate and let loose among the fabled archive. He was looking for a solution to the mystery - this is what he found."

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